The Township Treasurer is required to receive and take charge of all funds belonging to the township or which are required by law to be paid to the township treasury, and to disburse the funds according to law or township decision.
The Treasurer must keep a true account of the receipts and expenditures of all funds in a separate book provided for that purpose by the township. This record shall be delivered by Treasurer to his or her successor in the office.
The Treasurer is required to make quarterly reports to the Township Board concerning the status of all investments of township funds (MCL 129.96).
The Township Board by resolution may authorize its Township Treasurer to invest the funds of township (MCL 129.91).
The Township Board must provide by resolution for the designation and deposit of public money, including tax money, that the Township Treasurer receives, in one or more approved financial institutions (MCL 129.12).
The Treasurer is required, upon receiving the tax roll and warrant, to mail each taxpayer or his or her designated agent, such as a bank administering an escrow account, a statement showing the description, the assessed valuation, taxable value, state equalized valuation of the property taxed and the amount of the tax (MCL 221,44(1)).