Woodhull Township


Supervisor: Stephen Daunt

Office: (517) 675-4341

Fax: (517) 675-4345

Email: supervisorwoodhull@gmail.com

Supervisor Position General Description

The Township Supervisor is considered the chief administrator of the Township and acts as the township’s agent for transacting all legal business and chief administrative office for the development of the township budget.

Supervisor Position Respnsiblities

  • Responds to the residents’ concerns.
  • Interacts with Federal, State, County and local agencies such as library and schools.
  • Moderator of all Township meetings.
  • Has authority to place a person under oath.
  • Is required to act as the Secretary to the Board of Review (under the General Property Tax Act).
  • Is the Chief Assessing Officer of the Township…,  even if she or he is not a certified assessor they are still responsible for this duty.
  • The Supervisor, with Township Board approval, appoints Planning Commission members and Civil Service Fire Board members.
  • Is required to preserve and keep all books, assessment rolls and other papers in a safe and suitable place and deliver them on demand to the successor in office.  These documents retained by the Supervisor in the official function must be made available to the public in compliance with Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act.
  • If a disaster or emergency occurs; the Supervisor determines if it is beyond the control of the Township, the Supervisor then contacts the district emergency  management coordinator to request state assistance or a declaration of the state of disaster.