Woodhull Township

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is an appointed Board. They meet the third Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm at the Township Hall Board Room. When there are no agenda items the meeting may be canceled. The agenda, meetings and minutes may be viewed below.

The most recent update for the Woodhull Township Land Use Plan was completed in 2015. The complete plan can be viewed by clicking this link.

Charles Scovil

Chair Person

Tammy Slavik


Stacey Brewer


Greg Daenzer


Jameson Dean


Stephen Webb


Shaun Thronson


Rick Betts

Township Board Liason

Planning Commission Duties

  • Creates and recommends to the Township Board a Master Plan to guide the land use patterns.
  • Create and recommends to the Township Board other related plans and studies.
  • Reviews and recommends to the Township Board developmental proposals.
  • Makes recommendations to the Township Board on Special Use Permit Applications.
  • Makes recommendations to the Township Board on rezoning requests.
  • Drafts and makes recommendations to the Township Board on zoning ordinance refinements and updates.