Woodhull Township


The Clerk's Office will be closed on November 22, 2023

Clerk Position General Description

The statutory duties of the clerk are numerous, technical and legally essential to the proper operation of Woodhull Township.

Clerk Position Responsibilities

  • The clerk has custody of all records, books and papers of the township.  All records must be kept by the clerk in a safe and proper place where they are not exposed to any unusual hazard of fire or theft.
  • The clerk must also open and keep an account with the treasurer, charging the treasurer with all funds which are received by the treasurer by virtue of that office. The clerk credits the treasurer with monies paid out on order of the proper township authorities.
  • The clerk is required to keep a separate account for each of the several funds belonging to the township, crediting and debiting the same in accordance with proper receipts and warrants drawn by the township treasurer.
  • The clerk must prepare and maintain the journals and ledgers necessary to reflect the assets, liabilities, fund equities, revenues and expenditures for each fund of the township.
  • The clerk is in charge of voter registration within the township and must keep appropriate voter registration records.
  • The clerk, supervisor and treasurer constitute the election commission in a general law township (MCL 168.26).
  • The clerk must deliver certified copies of all the township clerk’s certificates for levying taxes to the supervisor and the county clerk (MC 211.26(1)).
  • The clerk is required to “transcribe” the minutes in the official township record book (MCL 41.66).
  • The clerk must post all regular and special township meetings (MCL 15.265).
  • The clerk is required to keep the official ordinance book containing all duly adopted ordinances of the township (MCL 41.185(1)).v
  • Website Coordinator

Board of Review or Election Inspectors

If interested in serving on the Board of Review or to become an Election Inspector, please contact clerks office at (517) 675-4342.

Voter Information

  • Absentee ballots will be sent out ONLY if requested. Requests can be made by phone (517) 675-4342 or in writing to: Woodhull Township Clerk P.O. Box 166 Shaftsburg, MI 48882

  • Written requests for absentee voter applications must contain your printed NAME, ADDRESS, BIRTH DATE, and WHERE to have ballot sent, along with your SIGNATURE and DATE. Each party requesting a ballot must have a SIGNATURE. If registering by phone, please spell your NAME, provide BIRTH DATE and ADDRESS as to where to send the application. If you have any questions contact the Township Clerk at (517) 675-4342.

  • To see election results click the following link: http://www.shiawassee.net/County-Clerk/Elections/Election-Results.aspx

    * A permanent absentee voter list is now being kept. If you would like to be added to the Permanent Absentee List please contact the Clerk’s office for more information.