Woodhull Township


Woodhull Township Assessor

Diana Dowler
Phone  (810)-635-9596
Email: dd9596@yahoo.com


  • Maintaining property record cards for each parcel within the Township.  These records include legal descriptions, land values, land improvements, building information, building values, exemptions statue, zoning information, etc.
  • Creating and maintaining Assessment Roll annually.
  • Maintenance of all sales transactions on both vacant land and improved properties, ownership, processing, related Property Transfer Affidavits, Homeowner’s Principal Residence Exemptions and Requests to Rescind.
  • Establish land values and economic condition factors throughout the Township annually.
  • Field inspections of all new construction projects and updating the property records accordingly.
  • Land Division requests and processing.
  • Periodic inspections of all real property parcels.
  • Defending appeals to the Michigan Tax Tribunal.